Friday, September 07, 2007

What are data driven tests?

While testing the application, the data driven tests are used to check how the application performs the same operation with various sets of data.

The data driven test can be created with a loop, when everytime the loop runs it is driven with different set of data. In winrunner, the data must be linked to the test script which it drives. This is also called as parameterizing your test. The DataDriver wizard can be used to parameterize the test and store data in a data table or it can be performed manually.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

What is the purpose of GUI spy?

GUI spy is used to view the properties of the GUI object in the Desktop. The Spy pointer can be used to point at an object and the GUI spy displayes theier values and properties in the GUI spy dialog box.

It is possible to view all the properties of an object or only the selected set of properties that winrunner learns.